During the fight to save Tucker and learn about whether a city was the right way to go about protecting our borders from hostile Lavista Hills / Lakeside City advocates, we emailed and spoke to many state and county officials. There were time when they were forthcoming and seemingly understanding. Other times we were completely ignored.
We were so busy that we did not always have time to post our emails for our followers to read, or we were waiting to post them once we received a response. But, some of our questions didn't receive responses and they remain as doubts in the minds of many.
To let you know about the work we tried to accomplish, as we run across emails that we think you would like to know about, we will post them on the blog.
We have XXX'd out the names of private individuals to protect the privacy of ordinary citizens. Politicians, however, are public figures and so we have left their names and emails in tact.
Here's one of many:
From: XXXXX (Save Tucker!)
To: Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver <mmo@mmolaw.com>; Howard Mosby <mosb7101@hotmail.com>; Rep. Billy Mitchell <billy.mitchell@house.ga.gov>; Rep. Karla Drenner <dren16999@aol.com>; Rep. Earnst Williams <earnest.williams@house.ga.gov>; Ann Abramowitz <ann@repscottholcomb.com>; Rep. Scott Holcomb <scott@repscottholcomb.com>
Cc: Sen. Steve Henson SD 41 <henson718@bellsouth.net>; Sen. Gail Davenport <gail.davenport@senate.ga.gov>; Sen. Ron Ramsey <ronald.ramsey@senate.ga.gov>; emanj@mindspring.com
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:45 AM
Subject: Fw: Results of the Boundary Committee
We were so busy that we did not always have time to post our emails for our followers to read, or we were waiting to post them once we received a response. But, some of our questions didn't receive responses and they remain as doubts in the minds of many.
To let you know about the work we tried to accomplish, as we run across emails that we think you would like to know about, we will post them on the blog.
We have XXX'd out the names of private individuals to protect the privacy of ordinary citizens. Politicians, however, are public figures and so we have left their names and emails in tact.
Here's one of many:
From: XXXXX (Save Tucker!)
To: Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver <mmo@mmolaw.com>; Howard Mosby <mosb7101@hotmail.com>; Rep. Billy Mitchell <billy.mitchell@house.ga.gov>; Rep. Karla Drenner <dren16999@aol.com>; Rep. Earnst Williams <earnest.williams@house.ga.gov>; Ann Abramowitz <ann@repscottholcomb.com>; Rep. Scott Holcomb <scott@repscottholcomb.com>
Cc: Sen. Steve Henson SD 41 <henson718@bellsouth.net>; Sen. Gail Davenport <gail.davenport@senate.ga.gov>; Sen. Ron Ramsey <ronald.ramsey@senate.ga.gov>; emanj@mindspring.com
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:45 AM
Subject: Fw: Results of the Boundary Committee
We did not get a reply to this email. (please see below) Can anyone in
the Delegation try to answer these important questions for us? We will post the
answers on our Save Tucker! blog site and FB page.
Thank you,
Save Tucker!
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 6:29 PM
Subject: Results of the Boundary Committee
Reps. Brockway and Carter,
Thank you both for your careful
consideration of the factors involved with the proposed cities of Tucker and
LaVista Hills. We have heard a few questions in our “Save Tucker!” group that
we would like to pose to you:
1.) Can you ask the committee or staff
members to double check the accuracy of the population figures that were
presented along with the final map? It does not seem to be correct when
compared to the population figures given in the Census or presented by the city
groups with their original maps. We are concerned that any viability analysis
for the city of Tucker will be grossly misrepresented if they mistakenly use a
small population estimate when determining how much revenue it will take to
support the services they plan to offer initially.
2.) Is there anything that your committee can do to ask the city advocates
to make their draft charter documents public? As Rep. Tom Taylor mentioned at
the boundary hearing, it is very important that the public knows exactly what it
is that they may be eventually ask to vote for or against.
3.) Is there any rule or law that speaks to the transfer of assets between
an unincorporated area when it joins a city? Do all assets necessarily become
the cost of the new city to upkeep, including schools? What will happen to
school buildings if they are incorporated along with the rest of the land to a
neighboring city or another county and a separate school system?
4.) What is the position of the committee regarding the very large refugee resettlement population that lives in DeKalb County as part of a federal / state cooperative agreement? Would the formation of cities require this agreement to come to a halt since the unincorporated areas are becoming smaller and smaller and could be burdened significantly if they are expected to take on the highest cost areas by themselves in order to provide police and other social services? The cost of the refugee resettlement is not something that has been clearly calculated or presented to the public and is beyond our own knowledge or control and not something that follows natural trends for growth/decline.
Thank you again for your time. We would very much appreciate a reply and
would like to post the answers on our blog site for the members of our group.
Hopefully, this will cut back the number of individual emails you may receive on
this same topic.
Kind regards,
Save Tucker!
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