At least we're not one of the turkeys involved in this debate! |
2. We can find where we live on a map, globe or with GPS.
(and, Google Maps doesn't get confused about which one is the CITY and which one is the STREET NAME.)
3. The best things in life are free.
4. In life, finishing first is not the same thing as winning.
5. If nice guys finish last, at least we will be surrounding by other nice people.
6. We know the difference between MORE and BETTER.
7. We have more medical and professional workers than we do lawyers or politicians. Nuff said!
8. We know a turkey when we see one.
9. The eye of a storm is the most peaceful location, if you are into that sort of thing.
10. We can't possibly become more conveniently located than we are now to everything.
11. We know we made good investments in our homes because just look at what those folks over at Lakeside are willing to pay for the exact same thing!
12. The bad press DeKalb is getting doesn't really affect us because we're based out of Gwinnett County anyway.
13. We KNOW we can Always Vote NO!
14. People make up the heart of a real community; politicians just try to put their spin on it.
15. We have something great that already exists and is worth protecting while others only have ideas they have to try to convince you and everyone else to go along with.
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